We’re on a mission to
improve patient outcomes.

Our values guide us on our mission to accelerate the development of life-changing therapies.

We put patients first

Foremost, our priority is to improve patients outcomes by helping our partners raise the standard of care.

We seek truth in data

Every patient is unique, and diseases and treatments are highly complex. We recognize the importance of carefully defining “ground truth” and understanding distributions of model inputs and outputs. That is why we rely on clinically meaningful endpoints, rigorously control for biases, and verify reproducibility of our work.

We pursue explainability

Healthcare depends on trust. Our deep learning models consider millions of imaging features to generate predictions. But researchers, clinicians and patients will only trust predictions if they can understand them. We are committed to pursuing explainability and publishing our work to advance scientific research.

We prioritize collaboration

We are not alone in striving to improve patient outcomes. Our team is committed to closely collaborating with clinicians and researchers at leading hospitals and life sciences companies. Connecting stakeholders across the medical ecosystem is essential to leveraging diverse expertise in order to solve healthcare’s biggest challenges.

We respect patient privacy

Healthcare data is deeply personal. Our mission depends on building and maintaining relationships of trust with institutions and individuals. That is why we will never access, store, or sell protected health information.

Our Team

We are a multidisciplinary team of business operators, biopharma professionals, machine learning engineers, and software developers focused on advancing medical knowledge. Our team is based in Toronto, a city world-renowned for its medical institutions and deep learning research.

Felix Baldauf-Lenschen
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Lajhem Cambridge
Product Advisor
John F. Conway
Scientific Advisor
Sally Daub
Co-Founder & President
Cameron Fordham
Finance & Operations Associate
Shahid Haider, PhD
Senior Machine Learning Engineer
Jay Hennessy
Senior Data Engineer
Wesley Kerfoot
Senior Software Engineer
Matthew Kramers
Principal Software Engineer
Reid Lobson
Chief of Staff
Keith Lui
Commercial Advisor
Alison Mitro
Head of Clinical Trial Solutions
Samantha Persico
Software Engineer
Alyssa Randall
Director of Product
John Riskas
Director of Machine Learning
Alex Roberts
Data Engineer
Oleksandra Samorodova, MD
Radiology Team Lead
Duoaud Shah
Vice President of Clinical Partnerships
Vignesh Sivan
Machine Learning Engineer
Jay Soto
Product Advisor
Felix Baldauf-Lenschen
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Sally Daub
Co-Founder & President
Cameron Fordham
Finance & Operations Associate
Shahid Haider, PhD
Senior Machine Learning Engineer
Jay Hennessy
Senior Data Engineer
Wesley Kerfoot
Senior Software Engineer
Matthew Kramers
Principal Software Engineer
Reid Lobson
Chief of Staff
Alison Mitro
Head of Clinical Trial Solutions
Samantha Persico
Software Engineer
Alyssa Randall
Director of Product
John Riskas
Director of Machine Learning
Alex Roberts
Data Engineer
Oleksandra Samorodova, MD
Radiology Team Lead
Duoaud Shah
Vice President of Clinical Partnerships
Vignesh Sivan
Machine Learning Engineer
Lajhem Cambridge
Product Advisor
John F. Conway
Scientific Advisor
Keith Lui
Commercial Advisor
Jay Soto
Product Advisor

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